Monday 19 November 2012

Coming Soon !

I'll be posting soon different decorative ideas for your shelfs or tables wether its in your
bedroom, dining area or lounge.

Cheap ways for birthday presents or any occasion

Also how to display your pictures in your room instead of just sticking pictures on your wall
do it with creativity.

* Coming Soon *

Thursday 20 September 2012


Its said that rastafarianism originated from Ethiopia a country filled with believe,
colours and vibrant people.
So here are dates to look at through out every year:

* Ethiopian Christmas 7th January

Christianity has existed in Ethiopia since 330 AD
and Rastafarian's regard blacks as Jews of the bible.

Ethiopian Christmas is marked by a large feast.
The food eaten is vegetarian or vegan in keeping with
Rastafari food laws. During the feast prophecy and readings
take place and Nyabingi meeting will often follow

* Groundation Day 21st April

Marks the date Haile Selassie I visited Jamaica in 1996.
The visit was only time the Emperor visited Jamaica.
A Nyabani session, inclusive of music, chanting
and prayer is held to mark the occasion

* Ethiopian Constitution Day 16th July

Commemorates the implementation of Ethiopia's first constitution
by Haile Selassie in 1931. The constitution instigated
a Parliament and resulted in the appointment of a number
of deputies, although Emperor Haile Selassie I retained
supreme power and authority.
Rastafarians remember the history of Ethiopia and the events
that led up to the birth of the rastafari religion.
A Nyabingi session also occurs to honour the importance
of Ethiopia.

* Birthday of Emperor Haile Selassie 23rd July

Observes the day on which Emperor Haile Selassie I was born
in 1892. Nyabingi are held to honour the date.

* Marcus Garvey's Birthday 17th August

Commemorates the birthday of Marcus Garvey, the Jamaican politician born in 1887 who predicted the crowning of a King in Africa and instigated the 'Back to Africa movement'

On this date Rastafarians remember the important
role played by Marcus Garvey in the development of
Black rights. The occasion reflects on Marcus Garvey's
influential prophecy. Poetry is recited recalling the
historical importance of Marcus Garvey.
African dance is also encouraged.

*Ethiopian New Year's Day 11th September

The start of the New Year in Ethiopia is recognised
because Rastfarians believe Ethiopia to be their spiritual
homeland and a place to which they want to return.

The history of Ethiopia is remembered and its importance
acknowledged through Biblical passages and prayer.
A Nyabingi session is also held to mark the occasion.

* Crowning of Emperor Haile Selassie I 2 November

Commemorates the Coronation of Rastafari as Emperor Haile Selassie I, King of Ethiopia in 1930.

The high priest reads Biblical passages and initiates the
singing of songs to re-emphasise the importance of
Haile Selassie as Messiah. A Nyabingi meting also takes
place to remember Haile Selassie.

Bob Marley Quotes

" Life is one big road with lots of signs
So when you riding through the ruts,
don't complicate your mind
Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy
Don't bury your thoughts put your vision to reality 
Wake up and live "

" One good thing about music, when it hits
you, you feel no pain "

" The harder the battle the sweet of Jah victory "

" Don't gain the world and lose your soul
wisdom is better than silver or gold "

" None but ourselves can free our minds "

" My heart can be as hard as a stone
and yet soft as water "

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Latest with Weezy

So Wayne is up to alot lately his like a completely different person since taking up the
skateboading. So theres talk going around about "I'm not a human being part 2" and Rebirth 2"
there isn't a release date set yet but his got 12 tracks and more for
"I'm not a human being part 2" so I'm just waiting in anticipation for both albums.

Dedication 4 was released on Sept 3

After waiting so long since August when it was said to be released its finally
available on the mixtape sites such as


Weezy is doing a commercial for mtnDEW there are 3 rough cuts that they're
showing on the website the auidence has to vote between the 3 videos
and the one that has the most votes will be broadcast.

Dr Dre Beats and Weezy

So Dre and Wayne has worked together to release Lil Waynes very own Dr Dre beats headphones. The headphones has been made for fans to hear the music the way Wayne
hears it.

Launch Party at Playhouse Nightclub in Hollywood California Sept 7

Check out DJ Scoob Doo website
for the latest on Weezy and the rest of the YMCMB family.


Wednesday 25 July 2012


I'd just like a step by step handbook on how to get to your goals and have them completed. I have so much talent but I have no idea how to show it and in all honesty I do feel like I CAN try harder but with my current situation my body literally feels like I can't do much I feel injured and sick all the time, everyday. Everything takes time for me to do and I hate that HONESTLY. The worst part is I don't wana be like this.

Jah knows I appreciate the people in my life I have so much support and everyone is on board with me if I didn't have them this would be one of the hardest things so I wana thank Jah upfront for everything is doing for me. And I know his on my side I know he'll make things even better and help me with my goals.

If theres one person I'll ask him to get through to would be X I've been fighting for him from the beginning Jah knows and I feel we can only go so far to help people I don't know what else to do but I will pray for  him and leave him in Jah's hands.

The most thing I'm afraid of is ..the questions .. I don't know what it will be like to have no partner by my side through this whole thing. I don't think I can bare that pain I'm sad  and angry at the same time but I feel if I stress about it, it'll just make things worse

Corbin said to me yesterday don't worry I'm gena be around I'll be next to you holding your hand when we walking ... That hit home for me ..

I'm soooooo scared to to tell someone because I don't know how his gena react and I cherish his opinion the most

*Pain is an opinion

- WaYne

Friday 15 June 2012

I do believe there's a difference between love and inlove, I felt "inlove" and it ended badly and I've felt many things for guys after that but not like that one time, I do believe that its because of that "inlove"  feeling that I felt, which is why I've had so many bf's. I was searching for that feeling I felt that one time and even though I'm over that guy that made me feel "inlove" a feeling remained; of wanting to be fed with happiness and love.

 I will one day go back to him and tell him that before you I never believed in love, commitment, marriage and he concept of inlove and to ask what happened between us ..cause I'm still confused

Friday 8 June 2012

"If you ever leave me baby,
leave some morphine at my door
cause it'll take a whole lot of medication to realise what we use to have and don't have it anymore
there's no religion that can save me
no matter how long my knees are on the floor
so keep in mind all the sacrifices I'm makin'
to keep you by my side to keep you from walking out that door"

[Just more words on the state you left me in]

And once aagin you've turned around for the millionth time, to QUESTION me !! as to why I've found someone else, but you have not yet, NOT ONCE, turned around and said I'M SORRY ! For lying,
for never calling when your ex swore at me made me think you cheating on me,
 never once called to say you're OKAY when you didn't show up to work so many times,
for never takin' me to the movies like you said,
for makin' me cry,
for makin' me feel like someone stabbed my heart,
for never giving me the love I gave you,
for the sacrifices I made,
for not allowing me to help you,
for not opening up when all I wanted was for you to be fully
part of my life,
for never letting me see that day when I can say "You're the one"
"Look how far we came together"
For never just telling me how you really FEEL..

[We spoke about marriage, children, how everything will be in our future]

When we go through break ups its the moments you had with that person that remains, and the moments I had with him is unexplainable.

I wana smile non-stop to things that make me happy, I wana laugh when something is really funny, I wana know that there's a future where I'm wakin' up in the morning in a bunglow, with the sound of chimes and dream catches, to the smell of good weed and when I open that curtain I wana see an island, where lots of people are outside feelin' the great positivity, the clear blue water and the soft sand, ask me what I want out of life, that's what I'll tell you.

Monday 4 June 2012

  So they say if you going through sh*t, fake it till you make it,
or its all about time, or you will get over it, life goes on, just focus on somethin' else.

I hear you, but if I was in your shoes I'd say go get that motherf*cker, go show him how you
feel, how do I feel?
I imagine myself standing infront of him and asking why did you do this to me? And take a knife and stab myself in the heart and I want him to watch how my blood drips from my mouth as I put that knife in my guts.

Maybe that makes me sick but thats how I feel.